That's right, I said it's a pivotal scene. Somehow, I had managed to write the entire book and leave out a very important part. Credit goes to M. Joseph Murphy for catching this. This is why a book needs to go through several hands before it hits the shelves.
Personally, I hate sloppy action scenes. The page may be full of adrenalin, the pacing may be perfect, and the hero may come out a larger-than-life winner, but it's not really clear what happened (or worse, if what happened is impossible), the readers are going to be left smirking and rolling their eyes.
The scene I need to write for Sandfruit describes a very specific kind of weapon attack. There were three requirements already present in the story:
- The target is pretty tough and can't be taken out by a rifle.
- There can't be a lot of damage from the attack, so it can't be done with a bomb.
- The attacker is a US soldier who just happened to be there with the right kind of weapon.
But that's just the beginning. Now I need to learn all about how it's carried, how it's fired, how big a backblast it has, how big each of it's two explosions are when it hits, and probably other details as well.
And such is the joy of writing.